Strand: God, Religion and Society (GRSFE1)


People have different ways of identifying meaning for their life. People who encounter the sacred express this in different ways.

Explore what brings meaning to people’s lives and describe how people who encounter the sacred give this expression.


Traditionally, religious/indigenous spiritualities formed an identity, a way of being in the world, purpose and social cohesion – community. They therefore shaped a way of being in community. Both religious and nonreligious worldviews can promote the common good and shape a way of being in community.

For Christians, Jesus is the human face of God. People use symbolic language in trying to capture the essence of God. No expression of God can be taken literally. Christians believe God is mediated to people through language and symbol as a vehicle to grasp the divine reality. This can be realised through a range of life experiences, religious traditions describe a reality (divine mystery). They provide a way to live a life that is enacted in beliefs, stories, rituals, symbols, ethics and values, social structures, prayer and sacred writings.

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