Strand: Church and Tradition (CTL5-6E1)

Level 5 and 6

The mission of the Church in the world is continued through the actions and ministry of the communion of saints, and people across time.

Discern the actions and ministry of people in The Church as reflective of Jesus’ ministry on earth.


The mission of the Church is to proclaim the gospel, following Jesus’ example of his ministry on earth (Luke 9:1-6), such as proclaiming the place of God, healing the sick, defending the poor, freeing the oppressed, welcoming the marginalised and offering hospitality to those on the fringes . The Vatican II document Gaudium et Spes stresses that the Church will know its mission by critiquing of the ‘signs of the times’ (# 4) and responding in action.

Across a 2000 year history of the Christian Church, this mission has been evidenced in a variety of ways, drawing on the spiritual union of the whole community of believers in Christ, inclusive of the living and the dead. This doctrine is known as the ‘communion of saints’. The diverse work of religious orders and organisations; the ministry of the saints; the contribution of extraordinary individuals such as Dorothy Day or Caroline Chisholm; and those people today who live lives of simple holiness (wholeness), are all included in this work.

See Learning Lites: Reign of God, Laity

More Information

Useful reference - Catholic Youth Bible ‘Mission Possible notes.’ (2011 Edition, p. 1221); Social Teaching notes.’ (2011 Edition, p. 1213)

See Learning Lites: Reign of God, Laity

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